Hand in Hand

John and Amy climbed into the drift boat hand in hand ready for a husband wife adventure. In the first deep run a sudden take on the far left rod caught everyone motionless and put us down on the count 0-1.

The morning was magical with gin clear water and blue bird skies. The osprey circled looking for a morning meal while dipper birds chased each other up and down the banks. Boulders slipped passed us as we slid into a run of cloudy clay banks and downed tree’s. Under the stain of the current rods danced playfully in the early summer air.


Amy called out, “John whats wrong with your rod” as the tip drove deep into the swirling water. John screamed “fish on” grabbed the rod and set the hook fervently. At that moment the chaos started as he plunged into his fish pack clamoring and crying out for his go-pro camera. “Amy take the rod while I get the go-pro” was his frantic logic as Amy grabbed the rod and fought the rising steelhead. With boils, runs, and reel screaming action she held on for dear life. The long and aggressive battle was won by Amy she tamed the wild beast.


The story goes, John hooked it, Amy fought it, John landed it, and Amy captured it on photo. A beautiful story of an amazing couple enjoying life together Hand in Hand!

Always Believe