River Levels Rise

Winter fishing is the most challenging time of the year to pursue steelhead. The ever-changing patterns of mother nature, snowmelt, heavy rains, and freezing cold conditions can make it a guessing game for even the most skilled angler. With years of experience under his belt, I headed to the Olympic Peninsula with my fishing buddy and top-notch angler Todd Sloan to target big steelhead. When everyone else was at home cozied up by the fire Todd knew exactly where to go. A majority of the rivers were blown out of shape due to heavy rains but this just meant some of the smaller tributaries would fish perfect.

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With the small stream rising, we picked the perfect window. After releasing a small native steelhead we made our way to one of Todd’s favorite runs. He put me in the sweet spot and holding in the tail-out was a bruiser buck.

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Thanks to years of experience it was a banner day for Sloan and me on the river.

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Always Believe!